Saturday, September 6, 2014

Concept Criminal

Here's some concept art for a short animation I'm planning to make!
She's a thief, haven't quite given her a name yet. Not going too say much for now, had fun drawing her this evening in photoshop though. Enjoy!

Friday, August 29, 2014


As a second part to my girlfriend's birthday gift, I made her this Groot sculpture! I don't sculpt very often, but it was a ton of fun to make. The new Guardians of the Galaxy movie was ridiculously awesome, if you haven't seen it yet go before its too late!

Bravest Birthday Warriors

Been a long time, so here's something cool!
This is a fan piece of the Bravest Warriors I did as a birthday present for my girlfriends birthday! She's the fifth warrior in the yellow. I had a lot of fun thinking up the designs for her and the Warriors' fiendish foes, "The Monsquitos". This is the first time I've ever given the warriors a shot as well, the style is surprisingly fun to draw in. I'm hoping to put up some more cool things soon, I guess just wait and see!

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Demo Reel

Here's my demo reel for some of my current projects I'm working on. Enjoy!

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Rough Lip Sync

Another rough, using the same female character, this time it's a lip sync however. Had a lot of fun working on this one, and with any luck it should be completed within the next couple of days.

Rough Action Analysis

An action Analysis I've been meaning to finish. This one had me wanting to play around with swords, so I decided to have this girl swing around a rapier. Haven't studied fencing enough yet, but I enjoyed practicing some of the movements. Hoping to get a good copy completed for this soon.

Character Models

I decided to upload three character models for a fantasy movie project i'm working on right now. Hoping to have more up on this project soon.