Saturday, September 6, 2014

Concept Criminal

Here's some concept art for a short animation I'm planning to make!
She's a thief, haven't quite given her a name yet. Not going too say much for now, had fun drawing her this evening in photoshop though. Enjoy!

Friday, August 29, 2014


As a second part to my girlfriend's birthday gift, I made her this Groot sculpture! I don't sculpt very often, but it was a ton of fun to make. The new Guardians of the Galaxy movie was ridiculously awesome, if you haven't seen it yet go before its too late!

Bravest Birthday Warriors

Been a long time, so here's something cool!
This is a fan piece of the Bravest Warriors I did as a birthday present for my girlfriends birthday! She's the fifth warrior in the yellow. I had a lot of fun thinking up the designs for her and the Warriors' fiendish foes, "The Monsquitos". This is the first time I've ever given the warriors a shot as well, the style is surprisingly fun to draw in. I'm hoping to put up some more cool things soon, I guess just wait and see!